Dudkowski de Familia
Official BloG
Michał Dudkowski
Hi, I am a Pole who married a Filipina. I live and work in Poland on a daily basis. I help Jerlyn create a blog. I am an electronic technician by profession. A passionate personal trainer and self-defense instructor.

Jerlyn Dudkowski
Hi, I’m originally from Philippines and now currently living in Poland ,my Vlog is all about our daily lifesytle, our family travel, fitness and etc… I am a Filipina who is married to a Polish guy.

How We Met
We meet in Lapu-lapu City, Cebu where I worked in Mepza for almost 7 years. I study in The Sisters of Mary School, this Congragation run by the Nun which for almost 4 years we stay in this school for FREE and also this school is only for the poor people or family that cannot afford their children sending to school. We don’t give any amount for our study. It is up to us to show Gratitude after we graduated. Im so thankful that I am part and the chosen one of Fr. Al, our dear founder of The Sisters of Mary School soon to be a Saint🥰. I’m so grateful to God for whatever is his plan. I’m new in creating my story in this page.

She Said Yes!
August 2017The Rest is History
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Aenean tristique eros eget facilisis pretium. Maecenas risus leo, maximus nec faucibus vitae, varius non elit. Nunc eget nibh eget felis tristique pretium. Duis sed condimentum neque.